Fading Whispers
Around the world, thousands of languages are in the process of being forgotten. Fading Whispers is a proposal of a “language encyclopedia” that would redirect the reader to online archives devoted to preserving those in risk of abandonment.
The behaviour of the endangered languages appears to be very similar to the behaviour of endangered species. The latter is a phenomenon that already holds a certain degree of resonance and familiarity to the general public, that is already aware of the threat facing many animals and acquainted with its language and dedicated vocabulary. Applying the language and structure of endangered species to the information about languages brings two advantages. The first is the creation of an articulated architecture that organises the material that is now little more than a clutter of information. The second is an easier understanding and superior appeal to the general audience, which would render the whole enterprise more effective.
This publication features a sample of two languages for each level of endangerment. It is a prototype for a more inclusive and extensive version containing the full extent of this linguistic spectrum. This booklet serves as a springboard for the reader's own exploration of the languages present in our world today. It is made in the hope that people will embrace the subject and take their curiosity further. Indeed, each page would feature an embedded NFC tag that redirects the reader to information on the language they are seeing (or not seeing) on paper.
As pages cover languages in higher and higer danger of disappearing, their appearance starts to fade, as if the printer was running out of ink.
This project was realised with help from the Endangered Language Archive (ELAR) at SOAS University of London and Rosie Boxall.